Ari SewNatural Color #27

SewNatural Hair


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Ari SewNatural Color #27
Ari SewNatural Color #27

It’s time to take the guess work out of finding the best color for you !  Have you ever walked into a salon  and attempted to describe a color to your stylist ?! Often times, it ends up being a few shades off or a complete disaster.  Here’s a quick and easy way to communicate the exact look and complimentary color.   

*SewNatural shades can also be used to reference the custom color of your SNH wefts.

Save Money. Save Time.

Please allow up to 6 days for arrival 

Ari Pattern 22in #27 color 

Ari SewNatural Color #27
Ari SewNatural Color #27

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